Dining room turned school room.
Bookcase houses storage boxes, rice and beans for play, arts and craft materials on top. Also reference books, devotionals and Bibles, Bob Books and readers, games and my storage binders on the bottom.

Blurry pic of the Boy Child's school desk and chair.
There is a dresser under that tablecloth. It's great for storage but is pretty beat up. I hung these posters the beginning of summer but we don't use them so they will come down and his Bible board will go there. between the wall and the dresser is where I keep display boards (found at the dollar store sometimes), large cardboard and butcher paper for arts and crafts.

Morning Board
Mostly my planning station. Under the table is more storage. It's amazing, the materials we go through sometimes.

China cabinet used as storage

Lots of work needed in here.
Next post the kitchen.
Thanks for the pictures! Looks very nice and comfortable