Hall from the master bedroom.

This bedroom is at the end of the hall. It used to be my youngest daughters. She is 19 now and got her very first place this summer. She is having a blast living with a chickadee that has been like family to us since both girls were in Jr. High. We haven't decided what we are going to do with this room. I'll probably move 3 year old in here eventually. For now, Big Daddy likes playing on the HP computer. Both he and I have Mac's but he finds this one easier to print a lot of his Ebay overseas mailing labels, I think. I will need to spruce this up quite a bit as during the holiday season we get quite a few overnight guest and weekenders.
I didn't realize how many toys the Boy Child had til this little project. Here is a basket of Noddy toys that he used to play with constantly. Noddy is a puppet boy cartoon from England. There is also a train and tool banging set. A carousel and a doll chair I found for the girls when they were little.
19 year old took many of her belonging but left me a few things. I am NOT looking forward to going through a lot of things left behind. See that picture above the bed. She was 3.
3 year old's room.

I love this bed. It has 4 drawers at the base that hold a lot of his toys and a big space with a door to hold his oversized cars and trucks.

He is the office at the top of the stairs. Big Daddy does his business in here and 3 year old can almost always be found right next to his daddy. They are like peas and carrots. I don't go in here much because, well, Big Daddy has his own organizing system. This spring we will probably be switching up, sprucing up and rearranging rooms. It looks a lot worse than it really is here.
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