Monday, May 17, 2010

ZONE 1 Foyer, L/R & D/R & P/R

1st Mon in the month thru Sun
Foyer, L/R & D/R & P/R

Wash Mirror
Wash Windows & Frames
Clean Banister with Murphy's Oil
Dust Basebords
Dust Air Vents
Vacuum Floor
Wash Floor
Spot Clean Walls
Shake & Wash Rugs
Wipe thermostat
Wash switchplates
Dust what-nots including the landing

Dust Table & Chairs
Straighten DVD's
Water Plants
Vacuum Furniture & Lampshades & Pictures
Dust China Cabinet & Bookcases
Clean out Dresser
Vacuum Floor & Baseboards
Wash Floors
Organize craft supplies & Learning materials
Scrub Cat Box

Wash Rugs
Spot clean walls
Dust Shelf
Clean Mirror
For more information on breaking your home into Zones visit The Flightplan - this week’s activities. Use it as a guide. Make it your own. Play with it and change it up until it works for you. Just remember to not wear yourself out deciding and planning. It's no good to you if you don't use it.
A note about Flylady. The woman gets on my last nerve. However, there is no denying that this system has worked for me. I don't get her emails or visit her site often. I also don't clean the toilets first thing in the morning. Just a swish or not I'm waking up to a fresh pot of coffee not the Tidy Bowl Man.
I don't do well with encouragement in laziness. In other words, I don't need to be told it's ok to leave the laundry in the basket for another time or the dinner dishes until morning. The day seems so much brighter when I start it with a clean slate instead of yesterdays baggage.
Where is our work ethic? Why are we women not holding ourselves and each other to a higher standard? Why are we insisting instead on bringing others down to our standards instead of encouraging them to press on and get the job done?

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